Family Christmas Traditions: Gift basket and crafts for seniors
Founder of the newly launched blog Sweet and Simple Toddler Crafts, inspired her three years old daughter Sarah Kate's love of crafting, Vicki and her children focus on the joy of giving and serving others during Advent. She takes part in the preparation of packages for seniors within her church family each year. Whatever your belief, this tradition around sharing and caring can speak to all!

Easy to put into action, it's a great way to teach kids the importance of respecting and showing kindness to seniors.

Here is the idea :
*Choose a senior in your neighborhood. It could be the lovely granny living on the next street, or the old man you sometimes meet at the grocery. If needed, your church or charities in your area will be more than glad to help. It does not necessarily need to be someone without or with little money : it is the thought and kindness that counts.
*Create your own special basket! There is no right or wrong, be creative and follow your heart! You could fill it with Christmas treats (you can never go wrong with chocolates), decorations, small gifts or a sweet note! It could be an opportunity to enjoy a fun creative craft session with your children.
*Gift your basket. Usually Vicki and her church family deliver it to the seniors themselves and sing carols for the seniors. With the Covid things may be a little different but you can deliver and leave at the person's door!
It is not so much the quantity or beauty of the basket which counts but the love put into it! Remember "No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted!"

Follow Vicky's Instagram account : @sweetandsimpletoddlercrafts
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